
Chitter Chweets

This page endeavours to bring to light the funny side of issues ranging from​​ semi-serious​​ to ultra-serious. It merely presents netizens take on some of most trending topics around the world. 

Compilations on this page should not be in any way taken as the views expressed by the site or its owners. This is also not a commentary on politics or politicians and any other social or private​​ group. 

This page is rather a humble attempt to give space to the unadulterated comic​​ creativity around us and bring a much-needed smile on the face of billions of Homo Sapiens or any other species which can read letters (aliens included).  

Keep reading and more importantly keep smiling. 


*Compilation of humor being shared by people​​ around the world.​​ The Chitter Express​​ neither​​ condones nor endorses any of the views shared in​​ the articles​​ here. The subject matter is intended​​ purely as​​ satire.​​ For any issues whatsoever, please DO NOT contact us.​​