Author: The Chitter desk

SPAC and Venture Capital Ecosystem

SPAC – Complimenting the VC Universe

In addition to an intriguing interplay of factors including (1) speed to market, (2) widening gap between the public-private valuation, (3) exits based on future projections, (3) and younger and riskier firms going public amid seemingly unbridled retail investor enthusiasm, the SPAC’s sponsor economies is motivating institutional investors of all kinds to come out with their own SPACs.

Data Science – Surge in Employment Opportunities

The tech sector especially cloud services and data analysis and data science technologies seems to have sidestepped the severe impact of COVID, which has otherwise crippled other direct consumer facing sectors. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are going to be a backbone for a business analysis and marketing tools.

Vector Stock

VC Investing Refuses to go into Lockdown

The pandemic hit year was expected to derail the vibrant tech startup ecosystem. However, tech space seems to have survived the period and as economy looks to get back on rails, the startups are rebounding much faster than they themselves expected.



A Sustainable Trend or a Stopgap Phenomenon The telemedicine sector has been steadily gaining momentum over the last few years,...

Rohit’s third double at Mohali

After a poor show at Dharamshala, India, owing to Rohit’s third double century, made a grand comeback by thumping Sri Lanka in the second ODI.

Mani Shankar Aiyar: The fall guy

On18 December 2017 the results for both Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat will be out. But, Rahul Gandhi has played his part so well, that he will win even if both the states are lost.

UC Browser

Alibaba’s UC Browser

Both UCWeb and the parent, Alibaba group should make wholehearted efforts to allay all fears/apprehensions of their customers and rectify, if required, and strengthen the security features of all their applications

जुम्हूरियत का ढोल

हाथी के दांत खाने के नहीं दिखावे के होते हैं। राहुल, मोदी, कांग्रेस, भाजपा, प्रजातंत्र और ऐसी ही बाकी सभी चीजें हाथी के दांत हैं। हकीकत तो हम सब जानते हैं।”

CEO & President: Congress Gandhi & Sons

गुजरात चुनाव: राहुल बाबा के भरोसे कांग्रेस

कांग्रेस, बाकी सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों की तरह, एक राजनीतिक पार्टी नहीं बल्कि एक प्रोपरायटरशीप है। इसमें व्यक्ति विशेष का फैसला सर्वसम्मति होता है।